Brand new ZHUCHIN Vintage silk fly line size ,Braided at 27 metres.It is best quality natural silk fly fishing fly line,lemon yellow braided silk.It is double tapered profile be able to reversal of the line for longer use.Old type of oil and top quality varnish finish.This oils and varnish ensure the line is waterproof and supple.The silk fly line is heavier than modern materials lines at the same diameter,it have less wind resistance.The Silk fly line the stretch and no line memory is better than nylon lines.You will be surprised at the difference if you start casting a silk fly line.Silk line is suppler than plastic and has less tendency to memory.the silk line is easier to lift from the water, and creates less surface disturbance in drawing it back. doesn't stretch .Silk fly line come with a big tin of fly line dressing.It can making silk fly lines to be more supple and float.Silk line need dried after each flyfishing and need dressed before the next flyfishing,Make sure do not dress to wet line.Shipping to Worldwide.Airmail service from China will take 2 to 3 week to delivery.